Thursday, July 28, 2011

S and T (additional Practice 3)

1. John must confess his crime. He may escape punishment.

a) If __________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

b) Unless_______________________________________________________


2. Mr Chan wanted to wash his dirty clothes. He sent them to the laundry.

a) _____________________________________________________ because

_______________________________________________________________ .

b) _____________________________________________________ to be


c) Wanting_____________________________________________________


d) Mr Chan's dirty clothes__________________________________________


3. Susan began late. She completed her assignment first.

a) ____________________________________________________ though

_______________________________________________________________ .

b) Susan's _______________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

c) Despite ______________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

4. "Are you joining us for the celebration tomorrow?" Limei asked Alice.

Limei asked ______________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ .

5. They arrived at a decision. They had had a long discussion.

a) ______________________________________________________ before

_______________________________________________________________ .

b) After a ______________________________________________________


c) A decision_____________________________________________________


Click here to view the answers.


  1. Quote from answer sheet:
    4. a. Limei asked Alice if she was joining them for the celebration the next day.

    The NEXT day?? Isn't that wrong? I'm saying this because I had written "the next day" as part of the answer for a similar question before and got 0 for the question along with "the next day" underlined.

  2. Devesh, show me that question please.

  3. Devesh
    The question that you mentioned is different from this.
    'tomorrow' when reported is 'the next day'.

    'next week' when reported is 'following week'.

    Hope this clarifies.
